Hemispherical 3D CAVE

Detailed Project Outline

Executive Summary

The SOLO project aims to produce an immersive CAVE visual environment using a non-planar approach. The first generation of CAVE environments were constructed from a cube. SOLO will try to create a CAVE using curved walls. Our goal is to increase the boundaryless field of view from 90 degrees to as much as 150 degrees, more in tune with how humans perceive the world. Our hope is that this environment will further the CAVE concept and open up new ways to interpret, manipulate and interact with complex visual data.

From Wikipedia:

A CAVE is a large theatre sited within a larger room. The walls of the CAVE are made up of rear-projection screens, and the floor is made of a down-projection screen. The user wears special glasses inside the CAVE to see 3D graphics generated by the CAVE. People using the CAVE can see objects apparently floating in the air, and can walk around them, getting a proper view of what they would look like in reality. A CAVE user movements are tracked by the sensors and the video adjusts accordingly. Computers control both this aspect of the CAVE and the audio aspect. Multiple speakers placed at multiple angles in the CAVE provide a 3D sound experience to complement the 3D video experience.
(full article)

Potential Applications

  • Video Gaming
  • Military Training
  • Elite Sports Training
  • Petrochemical Exploration

