
I've been a Lecturer at the University level for 15 years.


DICE: Design, Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship

Several years ago, I designed a startup-oriented curriculum for non Business School students. At the time, I detected a gap between those who taught Entrepreneurship, those who studied Entrepreneurship and those who chose to practice it.

To me, there seemed to be a lack of curriculum in terms of what might be called Vocational or maybe even Practical Entrepreneurship.

The curriculum I outlined drew from both formal and informal sources, including Anupendra Sharma's Startup Leadership Program that I had helped to deliver in Hong Kong in 2012, and the excellent ICE: Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship course of Dr. Fernando Lourenco et al while he was teaching in the United Kingdom.

But still, the story seemed somehow incomplete to me...until I had a mini epiphany. The missing component was Design.

So, in a rather unoriginal way, I decided to call my concept DICE (Design, Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship), as both an homage and means of keeping what I wanted to create separate and distinct from Dr. Lourenco's work (at his request).

DICE is organized as a loosely federated collection of thematic thirty-minute modules, and while it was initially designed for delivery within an academic context, either a 2-year Masters level program or a 4-year Undergraduate level program, its modular nature made it equally useful for sparking the Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurial needs of business, NGO, NPO and Government from a Design Strategy perspective.